Plug-in Winamp for raw GSM 06.10
This is a plugin for Windows (x86) Winamp 2 and 5.
You can read GSM files used by telephony applications, like Asterisk.
Usage :
- Copy in_gsm.dll to C:\Program Files\Winamp5\Plugins
- In Winamp Preferences (General Preferences / File Type) you can associate GSM file with winamp.
Based on source
No, it's not the exact same codec than MSgsm.
- msgsm use a 1625 bytes/sec compression, this one use a 1650 bytes/sec bitrate.
- msgsm use a different frame format (without the 0xD header)
- it's difficult to use a msgsm file without the RIFF (WAV) header
Download in_gsm.dll (zip, manual installation) (6 K)
Download in_gsm.dll with installer (38 K)
Sample gsm file (10 K)
Asterisk software
Brought to you by Cedric Hans
Contact : c e d r i c . h a n s (at) m l k j . n e t